Tag: recipe
St Michel 26 October 2010
B&B Heckenroth Cellar repairs Chantal Hecenroth B&B IMG_1794 Place du Serre Snow from car park Snow mountains snowy mountains from St. Michel
Claire Rayner Obit.
Claire Rayner was a nurse in the Royal Northern Hospital when Tony and Eric were doctors there. She and her husband lived in Cecil Road Muswell Hill as well as us. So they became friends.This was in 1960. We had outgrown our flat and needed to buy a house. One days the Rayners came round and said…
University of Manchester Scientists win Nobel Prize for Physics
 University of Manchester scientists win the Nobel Prize for Physics Coup for UK Physics, as two University of Manchester scientists are awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery of graphene. Professor Andre Geim and Professor Konstantin Novoselov have been awarded the highest accolade in the scientific world for their pioneering work with the…
Dining out: an unusual experience.
Newell and Jeannette Johnson undertook a mission to introduce me to some of the good restaurants in Forcalquier. They started lasted night with “In Vinoâ€. This restaurant is a block below Credit Agricole. We went down about 40 steps to get in and found the restaurant is a large vaulted room, open plan so the…
October Photos
Strange e mail  Veg, bought in Sunday market  Veg bougth sunday market  notive on Mairie glass door  Computer pamphlet left in post box  Reverse side pamphlet Tom Notice they say very reasonable prices and ask for E400 for creating web site. Â