Army Number 757 4183

Enlisted at Dover on 2 June 1902 in the Army ordnance Corps.

Certificate of Character.

Date of assessment. 3.12.13

First assessment. Military conduct. Very Good.

Enlisted as a private in the a A.O.C on second of June 1902. On completion of drills and instruction he was employed on clerical duties until 31.8.11.

The records of this NCO show that he has given every satisfaction in the performance of his duties during this period. He has on two occasions been specially mentioned as performing especially good work in responsible positions. He joined at Salisbury on 19.9.11 and has been employed to date in the office of the AOC,  Southern Command, a very good clerk and typist, honest, sober, intelligent and trustworthy. Signed: SG Lester, Captain.

29.7.17 Military conduct exemplary. Chief clerk to the Chief Ordnance Officer.

On active service Le Mans and Havre  depot 1.9.14-19.11.16

A most indefatigable worker and good clerk, absolutely reliable. signed CD Watts  Colonel.D.D.O.S. (1)

29.7.17 Military Conduct. Exemplary. Chief clerk local purchase.

Absolutely reliable, hard working clerk. 20.11 16-12.7.17 E Davidson Lt. Col. A.D.O.S.  P.S.

8.9.19 Military Conduct. Exemplary. chief Clerk A.D.O.S. Provision France.

Excellent Clerk,  very reliable and hard working with good powers of supervision. R.W.Russell Lieut. Col. A.D.O.S  P . France.

7.5.19 Exemplary Chief Clerk Office of the A.D.O.S. Provision France.

This warrant officer served under me from 13.7.17-27. 5.19 I consider him a most reliable worker whom  one can always depend upon, he has an excellent knowledge of ordnance routine and is a splendid disciplinarian.

Signed J C Thorp Lieut. Col

29.12 19 Chief Clerk to Chief Ordnance Officer Burscough. this W.O. Was here only three weeks. Entirely satisfactory. A M Howard Lieut. Colonel.

20.8.20 conductor Exemplary A/Ordnance Officer Mauritius.

Sub Conductor Bateman has served under me as A.O.O.  Mauritius from April 22 20 August 1920 when I handed over to my relief he is a hard worker and has in my opinion every qualification for an Ordnance Officer. W.Hargroves. Capt.

30.11.22 Conduct. Exemplary A/Ordnance Officer. This WO has been employed as acting Ordnance Officer Mauritius since April 1922 to present date. He has performed all of his duties under exceptional trying climatic conditions in a most energetic and conscientious manner which proves that he possesses good powers of endurance. He is an excellent Clark, he is trustworthy, intelligent and well educated. He possesses initiative and good powers of supervision and has a thorough knowledge of the regulations and work of the department. G.E.V. Howes.Capt.

27.7.25 Conduct. Exemplary. Conductor. This WO has been employed since July 1923 in charge of the a OC detachment of men and boys under instruction in the duties of armouries. His work has been excellent in every respect and the detachment has worked smoothly under his supervision, the discipline and details of interior economy being much improved since he has been in charge. HW Todhunter Colonel. Chief Inspector of small Arms.

Certified that the above are true extracts from the soldiers employment sheet M Maguire Captain 1.8.25

Final Assessment of Conduct and character on leaving the colours. Military conduct. Exemplary.

Testimonial. An extremely capable and thoroughly trustworthy man who will do valuable service in any responsible position.

Signed at Enfield Lock 28 July 25 by HW Todhunter Colonel.

Record of places of service

Home 2.06.02 1.1.03 214 days

Somaliland         2.1.03-22.11.03     214 Days

Home                  23.11.03-11.10.05   1 year 325 days

South Africa        12.10.05-1.2.11 force     5 years 113 days

Home                   2 .2.11-13.8.14       3 years 193 days

Expy. Force France 14.8.14-25.10.18 4 years 73 days

Furlough from France 26.10.18-8.11.18                14 days

Expy. Force France  9.11.18-6.10.19                332 days

Home                      7.10.19-29.1.20                115 days

En route Mauritius 20.1.20-31.3.20                 61 days

Mauritius                 1.4.20-30.5.23   3 years   60 days

Home                       31.5.23-2.8.25    2 years   64 days

Total service                                         23 years 62 days

Certificate of discharge.

2nd August 1925

Warrant Officer Class 1 (Conductor)

Cause of discharge. Termination of engagement Para 363 (xx1) K.R.

Service on date of Discharge . Twenty three years and sixty two days.

Description of soldier on discharge.

Year of Birth 1880. Height 5 ft. 5 ins.

Complexion Fresh . Eyes bluish grey. Hair Brown.

Marks . scar behind angle of lower jaw, right side.

Hilsea on 2 August 1925. Signed J.M.Howe Capt.

Educational Attainments,medals etc.

Army education. 1st Class Certificate 30 October 1906

Trade on enlistment. Clerk.

Campaigns. Somaliland British War. 1902-4


Africa G.S Medal with clasp

Somaliland 1902, 3& 4.  1914 Star

British War and Victory Meritorious Service Medal

Long Service and Good Conduct.

Mentioned in Despatches 16th Supplement of 10.7.19 of London Gazette 8.7.19