Summary of Sutton House Mystery

  1. Setting: The narrative primarily takes place in and around Hampton Loade, focusing on Sutton House and its history.

  2. Main Characters:

    • The narrator (unnamed)
    • An 83-year-old man living in a station cottage
    • William Bennet (the old man’s brother, in hospital)
    • Jack Breakwell (provides some background information)
    • Mr. Patrick (former owner of Sutton House)
    • The Breakwell family
    • The Bebb family (described as “powerful people”)
  3. Key Events:
    • The narrator visits an 83-year-old man to gather information about Sutton House’s history.
    • There are hints of a secret involving a “backward boy” and possible illegitimate birth.
    • Suggestions of blackmail or extortion related to Sutton House’s ownership.
    • Mention of destroyed documents (will and deeds) that might have proven ownership claims.
  4. Historical Elements:
    • Mr. Patrick allegedly had Sutton House built by Cottons building society in Shrewsbury.
    • The Breakwell family’s connection to Sutton House is unclear but significant.
    • Jack Breakwell provides some historical context about the house and its former occupants.
  5. Themes:
    • Family secrets and their long-lasting impact
    • The power dynamics in small communities
    • The challenge of uncovering historical truths
    • The lingering effects of past events on present-day relationships
  6. Research Methods:
    • Personal interviews with locals
    • Online research, including finding old maps
    • Visits to local sites (e.g., Chelmarsh graveyard)
  7. Unresolved Questions:
    • The true ownership history of Sutton House
    • The identity of the “backward boy” and his parents
    • The exact nature of the secrets hinted at by the old man
  8. Atmosphere:
    The narrative has a mysterious and slightly ominous tone, with hints of long-buried secrets and potential consequences for uncovering them.

At 83 yrs old HARRY BENNETT lives in station cottage at Hampton loade. He remembers that there may be a backward boy born?! He thinks Mr patrick had Sutton house built by Cottons building society in shrewsbury. His boss tried to get Sutton house but bebb blocked it. He thought house not sold thru auction.

An old cottage stood next to the road just before a bridge under the railway at Hampton Loade station.Its small unkempt garden with a narrow path lead me past a low front door.Round the side of the cottage was a wood pile for an open fire. I knocked firmly on the solid wooded white back door.?Who is it? I paused silent. ?If your after William he aint here , he?s in hospital? came a voice from a window of a brick building with the door slightly ajar.who is it? ?I have just spoken to jack breakwell and he said you may be able to help. What do you want. I walked towards the pile of logs to prevent a premature end to the conversation and feigned deafness.I am just on the toilet , I will be out in a minute. A rather rotund 85 year old man appeared from his outside toilet . bending slightly forward and dripping saliva from his lower lip he invited me to follow him into his kitchen and then the ajoining living room. Little more than 10 feet square with beams in the ceiling and brown and grubby looking wallpaper. He manouvered his way between the healthy open fire and the settee and invited me to take a seat on the single chair.Hi I am chasing up some old history to do with Sutton house. About how the breakwells got the house from Mr Patrick.He smiled knowingly and proud that he had a secret??ah well I?m not saying anything? ?no nothing? There stuff that cant be told???.

As much as 30 minutes were spent trying to tempt him to release some of his secrets.Well what makes you think that your granddad was married , he lowered his head and grinned widely as he toyed with the chance of throwing my fathers status into disrepute.

A whistle came from the station across the road followed by deep breaths from the departing steam train. It slowly gathered speed clanking and hissing as it rattled past the cottage some few yards away. The whole cottage seemed to resonate as though in some symbiotic response in an age old language. ?I guess you don?t hear the trains any more? ?There was a boy as well you know, a backward boy? ?do you know, I have heard that story before.I have heard of what in those days was called a ?bastard? boy? ?And who do you think the father was?? again he smiled like a cat with a quarry under his paw .Teasing he turned to look away slightly .I waited he turned back and looked at me and raised his eyebrows to tease my further guesses. ?my Grandad?? ?Mr Patrick ?? I said in a raised tone of disbelief ?now I am not telling?.?your joking I said smiling in amazement to flatter and tempt him to spill more.?And the mother was a Breakwell? Oh my god I realised that we are now talking blackmail , extortion.?tell me she wasn?t under age? ?No she was a married woman?. I tried yet more to find out her name but he was immovable.

?So what do you think happened to the will and deeds? He held out his arm with a tight upward facing fist ?Puff? he gestured as his hand opened directing to the open fire.?but you will not be able to prove anything?

I moved to try to temp him to write these memories down. ?I will not go to court and wont sign anything. If I did I would not be worth it. I would not be spoken to by anyone.?Just drop it, just drop it, let it lie? ?If you probe Mr Bebb , he will probe you?.?oh good? I replied retaliatory?he will over step his mark and that in itself would point to his guilt? ?The Bebbs are powerful people, his son is on the council?

The back door opened as a woman peered into the living room ?I have brought you some cakes?. ?You can go now? ?well thank you for your time, I only wish you would have been able to help, but thanks anyway? I shook his hand as my mind wandered back to him appearing from the toilet. I tried not to show my inner revulsion.

I let myself out .
Many nights were spent researching the net.I had to find a way to meet up with the cottage owners older brother who is currently in hospital for a new hip.I managed to find that Hampton Loade station had its own web page with a phone number .I wonder if I could get a number for William Bennet who apparently lives in the station building.

Tried to ring Chantal . Her 10 year old boy answered in a mature non committal fashion ?she?s not in .She should be back about 9, half nine , 10 ish?

Jack breakwell wished me luck tonight. He didn?t hold much hope for me apart from the fact that there wasn?t any written proof , but also there are few of the original breakwell line left and they would not be wealthy. He recalled passing the house and a very smart Bernard Bateman made him feel very scruffy with his own dad. He guessed that Bernard probably had a good job. He also felt relieved that he hadn?t stolen any of the fruit from the orchard now knowing that Mr Patrick was a retired Inspector.
Jack said that his father used to cut the hay at Sutton house and would be paid with a well cooked meal.

Tues 15 may 2007 – managed to find old maps online that showed the street where Emily worked as a servant in Rose Hill. It felt strangely atmospheric almost like we were there at that time in 1910. I almost felt an emotional connection not a shudder,not a cold draft, but an emptiness of someone you had just lost. That echo of them tinged with knowing they cannot speak nor could you hear.

Visited the graveyard at chelmarsh. Some of the grass mounds seemed surprisingly soft. It felt strange when I came across the grave of George and Jane the original pair that denied me my inheritance. A fleeting desire to jump hard and defiantly on their grave was suppressed .Well no good to them now is it.I wondered if they ever repented for the misery they must have caused him and his close family. ?And thy shall be done? it said on their headstone it sounded somewhat ruthless in the context of their lifestyle. Would a young Cuckoo have remorse when it ruthlessly evicted its fellow occupants denying them the right to inherit the wealth that their parents bring to them each day.