- 4-5 ripe nectarines (approximately 500-600g)
- 60ml honey or 50g sugar
- 2.5g sea salt (about 1/2 teaspoon)
- 60ml whey (liquid strained from yogurt) or 1 probiotic capsule
- Filtered water
- 1-liter mason jar
- Weight to keep nectarines submerged (like a smaller jar or fermentation weight)
- Cheesecloth or coffee filter
- Rubber band
- Wash nectarines and cut into slices or small chunks. Remove pits.
- Place nectarine pieces in the mason jar.
- In a separate bowl, mix honey or sugar with 240ml of water until dissolved.
- Pour the sweetened water over the nectarines.
- Add sea salt and whey (or probiotic).
- Fill the jar with additional filtered water, leaving about 2.5cm of headspace at the top.
- Place the weight on top to keep nectarines submerged.
- Cover the jar with cheesecloth or coffee filter and secure with a rubber band.
- Let ferment at room temperature (18-24°C) for 2-5 days. Taste daily until desired flavor is achieved.
- Once fermented to your liking, remove the weight and cloth. Replace with a tight-fitting lid and store in the refrigerator.
- Fermentation time may vary based on temperature and personal preference.
- Watch for signs of mold or off-smells. If present, discard the batch.
- The preserves should have a tangy, slightly effervescent taste when ready.
- Consume within 2-3 months for best quality.