Category: Sybil
Pastry. My considered recipe.
My considered recipe for pastry Flour 9 oz. Butter non salted 5 oz. I egg 2 Desert spoons cold water. Use plain white flour. English flour does not need sieving. Leave butter out of fridge until it is not vry hard. Mix butter into flour in food processor until it is the proverbial bread crumbs.…
Barbarossa & The Crusades
Tuesday 29 May 1945 By today my will power is defeated. I lay in bed when I should have been up for early Mass. I gave in a nasty exercise on turning parts of Hannibal and Epaminondas into ‘oratio obliqua”. Betty had practically done it for me the night before in the library. Eileen Betty’s…
1945 Diary continued
Peter thinks the present committee is a good one and JG is an excellent man but he has not quite enough initiative. Apparently some people have been saying that Peter wanted all the power in the Club and have not appreciated all his work. too bad! Peter really has been splendid giving every thing for…
My diary from 1945
April 23 The feast of St. George Bernice and I are both starting diaries. I think that as we learn history to find other mens’ experience it is useful to record one’s own personal experience and emotions for future reference, for later on when we contemplate our lives we will remember only outstanding events, smaller…
Norma lent me Antonia Fraser’s book “Must you go?,†recently book of the week on radio 4, the story of her marriage to Harold Pinter. As I read it I remembered some distant connections with my life. Antonia was the daughter of Lord Longford, celebrated as a visitor of prisoners notably Myra Hindley. Dr. Eric…