Category: Visual
My diary from 1945
April 23 The feast of St. George Bernice and I are both starting diaries. I think that as we learn history to find other mens’ experience it is useful to record one’s own personal experience and emotions for future reference, for later on when we contemplate our lives we will remember only outstanding events, smaller…
Norma lent me Antonia Fraser’s book “Must you go?,†recently book of the week on radio 4, the story of her marriage to Harold Pinter. As I read it I remembered some distant connections with my life. Antonia was the daughter of Lord Longford, celebrated as a visitor of prisoners notably Myra Hindley. Dr. Eric…
A GCHQ memoir
Some months ago the Bletchley Park Trust asked me if I would write an article for their Newsletter about my early days at GCHQ (1952-3) when they were mainly at Eastcote before moving to Cheltenham; nobody there now remembers that interim period. I wrote a piece and found a photo of 5 of us from…
A little girl in Paris
I was 6 years old in 1939. My father was mobilized and I stayed home with my mother and my brother who was 1 year old. We received gas masks and we were allocated a shelter because our house had no cellar. But life went on as far as I was concerned as usual… I…